

67 lbs Lost
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Tori Gudmundsson Age:20 Clinic:Barbara Baxter, MD - Dallas, TX
Coach:Michelle Adams
Starting Weight:216 lbs
Current Weight:149 lbs
My whole life, I was always considered overweight. It was never really something that bothered me until I got to high school and noticed I looked different than my friends. It was difficult to not be able to share clothes with them and I felt uncomfortable at swim parties etc. My mom did Ideal Protein a year before me and I saw how much progress she made. I knew I needed to make a change for myself to live a happier and healthy life. I did Ideal Protein my senior year of high school and it really changed my life for the better.
"It allows me to to be complete, healthy and happy without fear, doubt, or insecurity. "
Lifestyle Building - Losing the weight
I wasn’t aware of how many healthy options there are when on ideal protein. I was worried about not having choices and getting bored of what I eat, but I actually had a lot of delicious different kinds of foods to eat.
Lifestyle Living - Keeping the weight off
I enjoy the clothes I can buy and wear now. This transformation allowed me to really find out who I am and how I want to present myself and it’s so fun being able to show that in my fashion choices.
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*The results are those of the individual that is identified. Typical results vary up to 6 and 8 pounds lost during the first two weeks and up to 2 pounds per week thereafter when the IdealProtein® WeightLoss Protocol is followed properly. You should consult your physician or other healthcare professional before starting this or any other diet program to determine if it is right for your needs.