For your patients it’s about health and vitality For you it’s about improving health outcomes through a consultative approach VIDEO TESTIMONIALS

Help Your Patients and Clients Achieve a Healthy Weight

HealthCare practitioners are on the front lines of healthier lifestyle building, helping their patients as they struggle with obesity. Ideal Protein is a medically developed and scientifically based weight loss protocol available to healthcare practitioners as a weight loss and weight management program. Ideal Protein practitioners have presented their independent case study and patient results at premier medical meetings, such as the Annual Obesity Summit and the National Obesity Society annual meeting.

Repeatable, Predictable and Sustainable Weight Loss

The Ideal Protein Protocol is a supervised, weight loss and lifestyle counseling program for dieters. As partners in the provision of community wellness, Ideal Protein providers receive comprehensive training, coaching and support to ensure the seamless and successful integration of the Ideal Protein Protocol into their medical services.

Patient Outcomes

Reductions in hypertension, insulin imbalance, and other heart risks. Improvements in lipid profiles and other risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome.

Dieter Experience

Comprehensive weight loss and weight management program with personalized one-on-one coaching, education and empowerment for dieters

Easily Integrated

A turnkey program featuring extensive training, support, products and services to allow easy adoption into any medical practice or modality