

115 lbs Lost
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Melissa Hozack Age:42 Clinic:Redcliff Pharmasave - Redcliff, Alberta (AB)
Coach:Melissa Hozack
Starting Weight:265 lbs
Current Weight:150 lbs
I was always a bigger girl growing up, and had a problem with carbs like chocolate and ice cream, but was active in every sport possible, even going on to be the first college player to play both soccer and basketball! But once all that ended, I got married and started practicing pharmacy. Then later as a mom of 2 kids and then my third pregnancy at 35, I had let food get the best of me. My highest weight was 265 and I was always tired, achy, swollen, had acne, asthma and signs of arthritis (what I now call Carb Knee!) I was going back to work when my daughter was 9 months old but was frustrated with pharmacy, when I heard about Ideal Protein. I called the Senior Business Advisor for our area, Carol Schmick, and wanted to meet to learn more. I met with her on April 20th and had Ideal Protein up and running in my pharmacy in 10 days. I knew from that first meeting that this is what I was meant to do both personally and professionally! I then lost over 100 lbs and am comfortable at my new weight of 150lbs!
"because...I lost the weight but regained my health! And I've learned how to keep it off and use food as my medicine. I'll forever love my progress with Ideal Protein, both personally and professionally and am so happy to share my story, knowledge and information with dieters, other coaches, clinic owners, and of course my family as well! Thank you Ideal Protein :D Melissa Hozack Redcliff Pharmasave"
Lifestyle Building - Losing the weight
I loved the protocol, it just made sense! The food is amazing and being a pharmacist helped in my credibility, let alone the fact that I lost so much so fast. The chocolate drink mix has become a staple in our house and I use it every day in my coffee! The snacks are wonderful, and I loved being able to help friends and family as well!
Lifestyle Living - Keeping the weight off
I have energy! I feel great, and I love my new body. I don't have the acne or asthma flare ups, and don't have problems with my carb knee/arthritis (and which I later found is a Baker's cyst that only flares when I add in carbs past 40g/day). I've learned so much (and continue to learn every day) and done so much with Ideal Protein as well as therapeutic nutrition, and am so happy that I can encourage others to do the same. I've helped over 1000 patients reach so many positive outcomes because of my success and using the IP protocol, I just love it! They've lost almost 38,000lbs in Redcliff Pharmasave and have been able to eliminate or decrease so many medications for things like chronic inflammation, blood pressure and diabetes.
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*The results are those of the individual that is identified. Typical results vary up to 6 and 8 pounds lost during the first two weeks and up to 2 pounds per week thereafter when the IdealProtein® WeightLoss Protocol is followed properly. You should consult your physician or other healthcare professional before starting this or any other diet program to determine if it is right for your needs.