

65 lbs Lost
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Dana Avery Age:44 Clinic:Ideal Weigh & Wellness of Friendswood - Friendswood, TX
Coach:Chloe Houck
Starting Weight:213 lbs
Current Weight:148 lbs
My weight has always fluctuated between 189 and highest 220. I started really working towards a healthier me in 2010 and I always plateaued at 189. Eating right and exercising alone wasn’t cutting it. I knew after 40 it would be more difficult to lose weight. After meeting with Chloe and learning more about the Ideal Protein program, I knew it was worth a try. You see, for the past three years I had watched what I ate, joined various gyms, even Cross-fit briefly, and limited my alcohol intake but the weight never came off. I was baffled and when I signed up with IP, I was 100% committed to myself and the protocol. Working with Chloe and learning about the food combinations to eat and how often were key to surpassing my plateau weight. During the six months; I went on my honeymoon, celebrated anniversaries and was still able to stick with the program. Ideal Protein is the type of program that is more than just a weight loss program, it is a program that allows you to make a realistic and healthy lifestyle change if you are dedicated and determined to lose the weight.
"I am living a healthier lifestyle and excited to share my experience with family, friends heck anyone who wants to learn how to live a healthier life and not sacrifice the love of foods. I am loving my new body and the additional physical activities I can now do. I am proud of myself for committing to my amazing transformation because I did this for ME!!!"
Lifestyle Building - Losing the weight
I am amazed at how easy the Ideal Protein program was for me. I have never been a person to jump on any diet bandwagons and was skeptical about counting points and things of that nature. This program was easy to follow and incorporate into my family’s daily life.
Lifestyle Living - Keeping the weight off
I enjoy having the expanded knowledge of food combinations and added energy I have after losing 65 pounds. I feel great and was very pleased with not losing my muscle mass. That was super important to me! Being healthy is more than just the size of the scale. I enjoy sharing my journey with anyone who wants to learn more about living a healthier lifestyle.
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*The results are those of the individual that is identified. Typical results vary up to 6 and 8 pounds lost during the first two weeks and up to 2 pounds per week thereafter when the IdealProtein® WeightLoss Protocol is followed properly. You should consult your physician or other healthcare professional before starting this or any other diet program to determine if it is right for your needs.