

46 lbs Lost
Cathy Underwood Age:66 Clinic:Ideal Weight Loss LLC - Mountain Home - Mountain Home, AR
Coach:Scott Booth
Starting Weight:197 lbs
Current Weight:151 lbs
My name is Cathy Underwood. My great nephew wanted a "skinny Aunt Cathy" to play with him and be able to walk with him. I couldn't do either!
"I like myself! I can do more and, look and feel younger!"
Lifestyle Building - Losing the weight
That I was "glowing inside. " Anything was possible. And someone believed in me.
Lifestyle Living - Keeping the weight off
I feel so much better! I no longer need 3 insulins to control my diabetes! I love to walk!
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*The results are those of the individual that is identified. Typical results vary up to 6 and 8 pounds lost during the first two weeks and up to 2 pounds per week thereafter when the IdealProtein® WeightLoss Protocol is followed properly. You should consult your physician or other healthcare professional before starting this or any other diet program to determine if it is right for your needs.