

77 lbs Lost
Brittainy Bjork Age:30 Clinic:Colorado Health and Wellness - Colorado Springs, CO
Coach:Rena Unger
Starting Weight:200 lbs
Current Weight:123 lbs
I am a single mom of three and have considered myself bigger my whole life. My motivation to start my journey with Ideal Protein was I wanted to be healthy for my girls. I wanted to show them how they can eat better and still enjoy foods and not have weight issues growing up nor the bad relationship with food like I did.
"I'm proud that I committed to my Amazing Transformation because I proved to myself that if I put my mind to anything, I can do it. I chose to be healthier and I did the work to make it happen. What better gift can I give my girls than to show them that hard-work pays off! Another big surprise was that I lost the first 56 lbs in Phase 1 and the remaining 22 lbs in maintenance for a total loss of 77 lbs."
Lifestyle Building - Losing the weight
What surprised me most during this journey was how easy it was to be in a healthy routine after the initial shock of starting Protocol. The initial months were rough but once I was in the practice of buying healthier foods, eating less junk, it was just part of my new life. I read labels now, everywhere I go!
Lifestyle Living - Keeping the weight off
I enjoy so many more things now that I've lost the weight! It is so much easier to move. Nothing is as difficult as it was before I lost the weight! But probably my most favorite thing is when my girls hug me, they can wrap their arms around my entire body. It's the best non-scale victory ever.
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*The results are those of the individual that is identified. Typical results vary up to 6 and 8 pounds lost during the first two weeks and up to 2 pounds per week thereafter when the IdealProtein® WeightLoss Protocol is followed properly. You should consult your physician or other healthcare professional before starting this or any other diet program to determine if it is right for your needs.