Redline Specialty Pharmacy Helps People Live Healthier

“The Ideal Protein Protocol interested us because of the structure of the program, variety of foods and science that backed it all up.”

Redline Specialty Pharmacy, Hastings

Pharmacy Practice Adds Ideal Protein as New Service

“By offering Ideal Protein in our pharmacies, we are helping our customers achieve their weight loss and health goals, as well as adding a profitable new product and service line in our stores.”

Guardian Crowell’s Pharmacy, Nova Scotia

Pharmacist Finds Ideal Protein Yields Healthier Patients and Bottom Line

“Community-based pharmacists are the most accessible healthcare professionals to consumers. If we have the skill, the knowledge and ability to improve patients’ health and outcomes, why wouldn’t we do it?”

Karen Riley, RPh, BSc. Phm, PharmD

Passionate about Long Term Management of Obesity, Neeraj Bhushan, M.D., Founder & Chairman of Benchmark Health Systems, LLC Finds a Solution

“So often, conditions related to obesity like hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol are treated with pharmaceuticals, while the underlying cause of the problem is ignored. The patient gets started on a path of ever-increasing medications with their own set of side effects. I was determined to find a better approach to manage these chronic medical conditions.”

Benchmark Health Systems, LLC, Reston

36-Physician Medical Group Prepares for Pay-for-Performance with Ideal Protein

“The Ideal Protein protocol changed my life, and our medical group practice—I lost 45 pounds and the clinic gained a thriving new stream of patients and revenue.”

The Medical & Surgical Clinic of Irving, Texas

Pharmacy’s Results Exceed Expectations

“ We found Ideal Protein was a great service we could offer our customers that improved their health and was a source of new customers for our pharmacy. The science and the protocol are sound, the company has a strong track record, and the business model alone was a reason to make this decision.”

Guardian Rockingham Pharmacy

Once I tasted the food samples he had at the booth, I knew this was the right program.

” I was at the PSSNY Mid-Winter Convention in January of 2017. I walked up to the Ideal Protein booth and started talking with David Buckley. I have been looking to start a wellness program in my stores for sometime now, and I just couldn’t find the right combination. Once I tasted the food samples he had at the booth, I knew this was the right program. Ketosis diets are all over social media now. Putting this program in place at a pharmacy gives people comfort knowing they can rely on the product and information given to them.”

Parkway Drugs, Oneida County North