Improving the Health of Our Communities One Lifestyle at a Time 

Built on the foundation of a medically designed and developed weight loss protocol, Ideal Protein is a weight loss and lifestyle education organization. Ideal Protein is committed to the four pillars of validated science for safe weight loss, personalized one-on-one coaching and support, dieter empowerment and a healthier lifestyle education so dieters may sustain their results long-term. These four pillars, and the emphasis on the need for lifestyle change to ensure successful weight loss, are at the heart of what makes our protocol unique.

Ideal Protein’s mission is to have a meaningful impact on global epidemic of obesity. Therefore, providing our dieters with a quality of service that matches the quality of our products is our number one priority.

Improving the Health of Our Communities One Lifestyle at a Time 

Built on the foundation of a medically designed and developed weight loss protocol, Ideal Protein is a weight loss diet and lifestyle education organization. Ideal Protein is committed to the four pillars of validated science for safe weight loss, personalized one-on-one coaching and support, dieter empowerment and a healthier lifestyle education so dieters may sustain their weight loss results for the long-term. These four pillars, and the emphasis on the need for lifestyle change to ensure successful weight loss, are at the heart of what makes our protocol unique.

Ideal Protein’s mission is to have a meaningful impact on the global epidemic of obesity. Therefore, providing our dieters with a quality of service that matches the quality of our products is our number one priority.

Our Founders

Olivier Benloulou

Ten Years ago, if I was asked where I thought I would be today I would have said, “Exactly where I am”. I approach all aspects of my life with honesty, passion and an open heart. To me, this is the only way to achieve true success and it is exactly the approach I took when we started Ideal Protein.

When I first met Dr. Tran Tien Chanh, co-founder of Ideal Protein, I felt his passion for, what we now know as, the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method. Immediately I knew we were going to do great things together and have a major impact on people’s lives, by offering a solution to a worldwide obesity epidemic.

Dr. Tran Tien Chanh

Dr. Tran Tien, Chanh, is an award-winning graduate of the Faculty of Medicine in Paris. Dr. Tran Tien started his career as a general practitioner and sports physician, but quickly became interested in nutrition and obesity related issues. At the time, the only options were low-calorie, “balanced” diets.


Ideal Protein has gathered a team of medical practitioners from a wide spectrum of specialties to create a Medical Advisory Board whose goal is to provide guidance to physicians and healthcare providers who offer Ideal Protein as a treatment for obesity.

The Medical Advisory Board supports physicians and other frontline healthcare practitioners on best practices, current approaches, and common questions concerning overweight or obese patient care.


The role of Ideal Protein’s Cardiology Advisory Board is to provide insight into current scientific and medical information and best practices as it pertains to the impact obesity has on the human heart.

Manufacturing Facility

Pharmalab Inc. has been developing and manufacturing pharmaceutical and natural products for over 25 years, using state-of-the-art equipment in compliance with Health Canada’s pharmaceutical and food standards.

The research and development team at Pharmalab Inc. is continually investing in product development to better meet the high expectations of their clientele. Ensuring the company’s health and growth, while respecting human, social and environmental values is a top priority. The Pharmalab manufacturing process involves several quality control steps to ensure the end product is of the highest possible quality to meet the exacting standards of Ideal Protein and their dieters.