Cardiologist Leads Research Study Measuring Ideal Protein Results

“As a cardiologist, I am always looking for ways to help my patients get healthier, improve their lipid profiles and reduce the risk of heart disease. Ideal Protein is a major tool that will help us accomplish these goals. Our research, presented at the Cleveland Clinic’s Obesity Conference and the National Obesity Conference, demonstrates these results are valid.”

Timothy Logemann, MD, FACC, FACP

ASPIRUS Health System

Ideal Protein Transforms Cardiology Practice

“The science behind Ideal Protein makes this protocol stand out amongst other weight loss protocols. Their education coupled with medically supervised weight management is the key for success.”

Douglas Rothrock, MD

Prescott Cardiology, Prescott, AZ

The Ideal Protein Protocol Helps Chiropractic Clinic Jump Start Patient Health and Wellness

“Making important changes to diet and lifestyle can help improve physical health, enhance nutrition and reduce stress, but patients often don’t know how to make these changes. I wanted to introduce a lifestyle weight loss protocol to my practice that would help them. I chose the Ideal Protein Protocol because it educates dieters on the science behind healthy eating, and how to make the right choices to lose weight and keep it off. It’s a wonderful tool— our dieters have lost more than 100,000 pounds and counting.”

Matzner Clinic, Champaign

The Ideal Protein Protocol Invigorates an Internist’s Patients and Her Practice

“In learning about the Ideal Protein Protocol, I was impressed with the four phases plus the ongoing support, education and intensive coaching that motivates patients to stick with lifestyle change for the long haul. The protocol makes biological and physiological sense, and proves itself in action. I was so impressed with the Ideal Protein Protocol that I’ve incorporated it into my program to teach medical students about obesity.”

OSR Weight Management, Kailua and Honolulu, HI

From infertility to post-menopausal weight, OB/GYN finds a solution for women of all ages and stages with the Ideal Protein Protocol

“The Ideal Protein Protocol is another tool in our tool chest that is not medication. When we look at obesity across the country, including obesity in pregnancy with all the risks and morbid complications, how could we not help our patients to lose weight?”

The Lake Lifestyle Medical Clinic, Polson

The Ideal Protein Protocol Invigorates a Family Practitioner’s Patients and Her Practice

“The Ideal Protein Protocol is the most positive thing physicians can add to their practice. It’s a huge service to patients, and it’s so rewarding medically. It’s really all about the reason we went into medicine in the first place-to help people. It also boosts the financial health of the practice. Everyone should offer it.”

Ann K. Kuenker, D.O.

Gastroenterology Practice Finds the Ideal Protein Protocol Complements Patient Management

“With new emerging technologies, we felt that we needed to offer our patients a medically sound approach that would complement endoscopic bariatrics. We did extensive research before selecting the Ideal Protein Protocol.”

Gastroenterology Associates, Pasadena

Cardiologist Leads Award Winning Research Linking the Ideal Protein Protocol with Reduced Healthcare Costs

“With collaboration and initiative, physicians, employers and payers can support patients as we together, reverse the tide of obesity and realize the benefits of better health and lower healthcare costs.”

ABOM, Aspirus Heart and Vascular

The Ideal Protein Protocol Transforms Cardiology Practice

“The science behind the Ideal Protein Protocol makes it stand out amongst other weight loss programs. Their education coupled with medically supervised weight management is the key for success.”

Prescott Cardiology, Prescott

Hospital-based program brings new approach to weight loss with Ideal Protein

“The Ideal Protein Protocol is so different from what we were taught as dietitians. But what we had been teaching our patients about carb intake wasn’t really working. I realized through my own research that the science is there to support the results of the Ideal Protein Protocol.”

Slidell Memorial Hospital