According to the World Health Organization, worldwide obesity has doubled since 1980. As North Americans have moved away from healthy diets, their medical providers have seen sharp increases in a range of chronic diseases amongst their patients – cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes, stroke, chronic pain and others. The causation of these conditions, collectively known as Metabolic Syndrome, have been linked to obesity. As such, the various members of the Ideal Protein Medical and Cardiology Advisory Boards are taking a leadership role in the evolving conversation around obesity, the prevalence of weight related chronic disease and overall health.

Doctors Fighting Obesity

Helping Female Patients With a Major Health Challenge

By: Kelly G. Bagnell, MD., FACOG.

“It’s just impossible to lose this weight.”

How often do we hear this statement, or think this thought ourselves, when counseling our female patients? More than two-thirds of women in the United States are overweight or obese. Many women find it is much harder for them to lose excess weight than most men do. Especially when women reach menopause age, there is a tendency to just accept that excess weight is inevitable.

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Doctors Fighting Obesity

Want to Help Patients? Evaluate and Address Your Own Risk Factors

By: Timothy N. Logemann., MD, FACC.

“It’s just impossible to lose this weight.” It’s amazing to me that we can sit in our offices with an iPad and show our patients their likelihood of a heart attack or other illness, based on their risk factors. We hope, of course, to inspire them to take action to reduce those risk factors. I’ve found that in addition to counseling, sharing my own story makes this advice relatable and can be very motivating to my patients.

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Doctors Fighting Obesity

We Know More About Obesity Than Ever Before. So Why Do Our Numbers Keep Getting Worse?

By: Linda Anegawa, M.D., F.A.C.P.

It is extremely rewarding to see that obesity care has grown way beyond “eat less and exercise more.” Way beyond “willpower,” “just do it,” and endless cabbage soup as a promise to achieve the physique of your dreams. It’s not about appearance and unrealistic beauty standards.  It’s all about health: reducing the risk of disease and improving quality of life.

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Doctors Fighting Obesity

Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD): The Emerging Health Threat

By: David Jeremy Davidson, MD.

Physicians are now seeing an escalating epidemic of liver disease in their patients. This health threat that used to almost exclusively be seen in heavy drinkers is rising proportionately with the obesity crisis. We know many disease states are associated with obesity, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers and stroke, but what is not often discussed is how obesity affects the liver.

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Doctors Fighting Obesity

Sugar and Obesity: The Bitter Truth

By: Linda Anegawa, M.D., F.A.C.P.

America has a sweet tooth- and it’s causing a lot more harm to our health than just cavities. The United States is the world’s largest consumer of sweeteners, including high-fructose corn syrup.Since the 1970’s, Americans have been steadily eating more sugar, and it’s no coincidence that the obesity epidemic has skyrocketed in proportion.

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Doctors Fighting Obesity

Not Just a Man’s World- Prioritizing Women’s Heart Health

By: Linda Anegawa, M.D., F.A.C.P.

When we imagine someone having a heart attack, we are used to seeing dramatic Hollywood-style depictions of men clutching their chest, suddenly keeling over. That is usually not how cardiac events manifest in women. In fact, heart attacks can occur in women without any chest pain at all. This is especially true in women who also have diabetes.  What could be mistaken for anxiety might actually be a sign of something way more serious.

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Doctors Fighting Obesity

Obesity Intervention and Heart Health: The Pharmacist’s Role

By Karen Riley BScPhm, Pharm D, BCPS, BCGP, BCACP, CDE 

America has a sweet tooth- and it’s causing a lot more harm to our health than just cavities. The United States is the world’s largest consumer of sweeteners, including high-fructose corn syrup.Since the 1970’s, Americans have been steadily eating more sugar, and it’s no coincidence that the obesity epidemic has skyrocketed in proportion.

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Doctors Fighting Obesity

Hypertension and the Role of the Pharmacist

By Karen Riley BScPhm, Pharm D, BCPS, BCGP, BCACP, CDE 

One U.S. adult out of every three and one Canadian adult out of four has high blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. What is not surprising is that the number of people with elevated blood pressure, not yet in the high range, is much higher. As I was catching up on my journal reading, I came across two different articles of interest this month both related to hypertension.

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Doctors Fighting Obesity

It’s the holiday season, but it’s not too early to counsel patients on weight loss for the New Year.

By: Linda Anegawa, M.D., F.A.C.P.

With 70 percent of Americans overweight or obese, we are in the throes of a serious obesity epidemic. Overweight and obesity can be a pre-cursor for many serious health conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, many cancers, degenerative joint disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

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Doctors Fighting Obesity

Carbohydrate Restriction: An Effective Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes

By Timothy N. Logemann, MD, FACC, ABOM

Type 2 diabetes is an epidemic of massive proportions, and if new data is any indication, we’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg. Eighty six million American adults- about one third of the population- has prediabetes, the precursor to full scale type 2 diabetes.  What’s more, ninety percent of people don’t even know they have it.

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Obesity Intervention and Heart Health: The Pharmacist’s Role

By Timothy N. Logemann, MD, FACC, ABOM

Recently, there’s been a growing realization that the low-fat cornerstone of dietary recommendations was based upon flawed information. More and more studies are reporting that the consumption of sugar plays a greater role in heart disease than saturated fat.

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Doctors Fighting Obesity

Prediabetes – An Urgent Priority for Pharmacists

By Karen Riley BScPhm, Pharm D, BCPS, BCGP, BCACP, CDE 

At the beginning of every month, I screen for diabetes and hypertension at a community center- and this month was no exception. As I gathered my screening toolkit- a blood glucose monitor, blood pressure machine and educational materials related to both medical conditions, I wondered what I would find during the screening. Why, from a pharmacists’ perspective, are these health and wellness screenings so important for our patients?

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Doctors Fighting Obesity

Obesity Intervention and Heart Health: The Pharmacist’s Role

By Franklin M. Douglis, M.D.

The obesity epidemic continues unabated, with over 70% of American adults now overweight or obese. If we didn’t already have enough factors contributing to this population health crisis, a wealth of research suggests that poor sleep is also linked to obesity. The sharp increase in obesity in the U.S. over the last few decades is matched proportionately with reduced sleep duration in work-centric capitalist societies – indicating a clear correlation between sleep quality and obesity.

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