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Tuni Rafaele Age:46 Clinic:Billings Last Diet - Billings, MT
Starting Weight:318.8 lbs
Current Weight:215.8 lbs
I grew up on the Big Island of Hawaii in Hawaiian acres in Puna. I grew up very poor, we lived in a tent for a few years while I was a young kid. We always had food on the table, and we never left the table until the food was gone. I was overweight and bullied because of it. When we moved to California, I had a fast food restaurant on every corner and my eating habits got worse. I moved to Montana where I met my beautiful wife and one of the things we shared was our unhealthy eating habits. We rarely cooked at home and used food to make up for a bad day, or to celebrate something. Food would make me feel so good while I was eating it and feel so bad after. Everyday was a challenge. Getting up in the morning and putting my feet on the floor hurt and trying to walk hurt even more. My feet, back, knees hurt everyday. I kept my shoes tied and just slipped them on because it was too hard for me to get down to tie them. I remember waiting in line to get on a ride for hours, but when I got on, they couldn't get the bar down. I had to exit in front of everyone. I could hear the laughing and the jokes while I got off, that was hard. I tried diets, but never made it a week. I tried going to the gym, but it’s hard to be the fat guy at the gym when everyone’s staring at you. Then one day my wife comes to me with this diet she wants us to do, it was called Ideal Protein.
"I have done things that I never thought I would be able to do! I got to zip line for the 1st time, do a rope course, ran my first 5k and a 10k. I was also asked to be an Ideal Protein coach at Billings Last Diet and of course I said yes!! I want to share what I have learned and help someone change their life, to be healthier and let them know that Ideal Protein works and how it changed my life!!"
Lifestyle Building - Losing the weight
I was doubtful at first. I thought it was just another gimmick diet, but then at the educational seminar I got to see the wall of success and all the people who lost weight on the Ideal Protein program. The doctor introduced himself and goes over the Ideal Protein program and how it works then he proceeds to bring out the diet coaches that we get to meet once a week. Now I'm telling myself WOW! Ideal protein has a personal coach I see once a week! So, my wife started first and lost over 20 pounds in a very short time. That was all the motivation I needed and on January 1st I got started with the determination to change my life! In 8 months I lost over 100 pounds!
Lifestyle Living - Keeping the weight off
I got involved with an anti-bullying group because of my experience being bullied as a kid. I get to talk to these kids and help them see that their situation can change. When I was growing up I had no one to turn to, well now these kids can come to me. I'm also planning to run the Spartan Sprint, 10k, 15k and maybe a half marathon this year. I can go on forever on how Ideal Protein saved my life!



103 lbs Lost

*The results are those of the individual that is identified. Typical results vary up to 6 and 8 pounds lost during the first two weeks and up to 2 pounds per week thereafter when the IdealProtein® WeightLoss Protocol is followed properly. You should consult your physician or other healthcare professional before starting this or any other diet program to determine if it is right for your needs.