Deviled Eggs with a Smoky Salad

Allergies: Eggs4 ServingsCalories: 357 per serving


  • 1/2 lbs smoked chipped beef
  • 1/2 lbs smoked turkey breast
  • 8 eggs, hard-boiled
  • 8 cups lettuce leaves
  • 2 cups green peppers, chopped fine
  • 2 cups Ideal Protein Honey & Dijon Dressing
  • 1 cup oriental sesame sauce
  • 1 cup barbecue sauce
  • 2 tbsp dijon mustard
  • sea salt, to taste
  • pepper, to taste


  1. Slice hard boiled eggs in half.
  2. Carefully remove yolks without breaking the egg whites.
  3. Blend yolks with dressing, sauce, green peppers, mustard, salt and pepper until smooth.
  4. Fill egg white halves with this mixture.
  5. Cut salad leaves in big pieces and top with dressing.
  6. Add a bed top with the chipped meat and surround with deviled eggs.
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